Oil Painting Commission

Category: Oil-Paintings, Commissions, Lowcountry, Animals, Miscellaneous

Dimensions: 16.0" x 20.0" x 1.0"

Weight: 2.0 lbs

Availability: 1 - 3 days

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Commission a custom original oil painting on canvas!

1. Choose a down payment based on the painting dimensions
2. Upload a photo for reference (optional)
3. Enter any details in the description field
4. Checkout and pay the down payment
5. Rebecca will contact you with further details and instructions

DETAILS: Subject matter includes animals, animal portraits, buildings, and landscapes. Turnaround-time is around 8-10 weeks. Total cost estimate ranges from $650 - $1200+ and varies depending on size, complexity, and time/availability.

Oil Paint
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